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Temporary Releases

If you are a newer player read the update releases before starting temporary quest lines. This game guide is usually updated within 24 hours of a release and also provides helpful information such as a list of quests. You can determine if a release is beyond your capability, harder than you want to try or something you just don't want to do. A lot of frustration can be avoided if you do this.


Releases that have regenerating items and floating balloons to click ALWAYS use all three lands: Home, Emptyland, and Dwarfville. If you only have Home available, these quest lines may not be possible to complete. If you do not clear the items, new ones will not appear. When the event is over you may be able to sell them so you will at least get coins. If there is a structure involved DO NOT put it on your estate until you know whether you can complete it.


Timer on the land. Clearing rewards available for clearing in a certain time.  

Hidden Sesame series of lands
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37  Hidden Sesame

38 Golden Sands

39 Adil's Palace

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40 Dreamy Meadow

Magic Duels
Land of Love
Home Territories




Faraway Lands numbered in the order they were released.

Lands that can not yet be colonised:   Magic Duels

The First Lands

To build the Castle you need access to Lake of Sorrow, Mountain Valley, Battlefield & Blackwood for some of the materials.  Old Lighthouse acts as a tutorial for new players, follow the quests carefully and take note of how the Faraway lands work.

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Old Lighthouse

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2 Lake of Sorrow

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12. Enchanted Forest

6 Swampland

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3 Mountain Valley

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4 Blackwood

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11. Treasure Island

A lot of materials for the Babylon gardens here

No particular order
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17 & 29 can be done to finish the Astrology Tower & Fairytale Leadlight. Merchant Ship has a lot of resources you may need to finish other lands. 

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17 Guardians of Oblivion

29. Forbidden Library

30. Merchant Ship

Lands 7-10

Lands 7-10 are needed to build the Gardens of Babylon.  Some of the recipes also use the first 5 lands for materials. All these lands have puzzles associated with them, pipelines, blueprint and hedges. You must do these in order as each land relies on the one before it to make the travel item needed to reach it.

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7 Lava Craters

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8 Sunny Savannah

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9 Architect's Manor

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Treasure Island

A lot of materials for the Babylon gardens can be found here

10 Abandoned Park

Eastern Lands - Oriental themes
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14 Way of the Dragon

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15 Ancient Temple

Pirate Lands

Must be done in order

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16 Abandoned Lands

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18 Ghost Town

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19 Ancient Waterfall

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20  Rebel Harbor

Lands of the Far North
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21 Blumburg

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22 Monde-Thierry

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23 Magisterium Campus

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24 Northern Coast

Atlantis Lands
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25 Secret Hideout

26 Signal Source

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27 Lost Ships Island

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28 Atlantis

Weather Lands

32 Weatherland

33 Synoptis

34 Winterfair

36 Sunfair

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