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Lost Ships Island

Among the inhabitants of the Northern lands of our kingdom there is a legend about the lost island, the coast of which is strewn with small gray-green stones. Locals call these pebbles "tears of a mermaid." The name is associated with the legend of the love of a mermaid and a young knight. The mermaid visited her beloved every evening. And she only prayed for one thing - to receive the earthly soul and human legs instead of the tail.


But the requests were not heard, the mermaid was never able to leave the sea, unable to withstand the test, she swam off the island forever, bitterly mourning her fate. The tears rolled from her face turned into pebbles, which now scattered the whole coast


  • This is a Permanent Land - therefore there is no rush to finish this.

  • There is only just enough Bamboo to finish THIS LAND.  If you take it away to use elsewhere you will NOT be able to finish.  

  • NEVER take this type of material from a land to use on another until your land is totally finished. 

Portable Artifact

To reach Lost Ships Island you need Portable Artifact installed on your airship.

Produced in Father's Workbench on Secret Hideout.



Obsidian Crowbar: can be made at McManus. Needed to open Boxes with  Supplies

Grappling Set: can be made at McManus

Grappling Hook: can found in Boxes with Supplies on Lost Ships Island

Anchor Chain: found in Rusty Anchors in Lost Ships Island

Palm Wood: can be found in Red Palm trees

Bamboo: can be found in Bamboo Thickets

Reagent: can be found in Magisterium Reagents (tool boxes) in Sea Master's Hold

Enzymes: Can be made at McManus

Oxidant: Can be made at McManus

Corals: Found in the Sea Master's Hold

Empathy Potion: Can be found in the Sea Master's Hold after assembling the Alchemy Device

Cannot find or produce these until the Empathy Potion is ready and the Old Sailor has been upgraded, you will move to the next lands with Algae & Abstractus

Algae: Found only in Mermaids' Domain

Abstractus: Found only in Cleo's area in Mermaids' Domain

Sound Barrier: Made at McManus

Athena's Stone Copy: Made at McManus

Good Vibes: Found in Memories in Sailor's Mind Land

Mermaid's Silence: Found when  interacting with the Mermaids in Mermaid's Domain

Mermaid's Necklace: Found in treasures on Mermaid's Domains land


Talk to McManus, he may know something
























Limit 8

Cannot do these items until the Empathy Potion is ready and the Old Sailor has been upgraded, you will move to the next land with Algae & Abstractus

Limit 1

Box with Supplies (Lost Ships Island)

Use Obsidian Crowbars to unlock the supplies, inside are 5 Grappling Hooks






Atlantic Bridge




Aurora Bridge




Sea Master's Bridge




Door to Sea Master's Hold





Sea Master's Hold
Sea Master's Hold
Boxes with Supplies

4 boxes in Sea Masters Hold, they contain the parts used to build the Alchemy Device

Unlock with Obsidian Crowbar, inside find Reagents

Alchemy Device

Find and correctly set the Alembic, Retort, Shredder and Bellows to turn on the Alchemy Device.  These items are found the Huge Boxes of Supplies, there are 4 of these to find and open. 


Find the Hint which shows you how to assemble the device.  

Click the Alchemy Device to check your construction. 

Alchemy Device

One Alchemy Device will remain on the land, activate this to begin producing Empathy Potion

Begin Machine




We have to wait 2 days for Empathy Potion, then go and talk to the Old Sailor

You can not progress any further until you have collected the Empathy Potion from the Alchemy Device.
You can not find Algae or Abstractus until you reach the next lands!
Old Sailor

Enter the sailor's mind with the Empathy Potion to find out what happened to father. 

It seems the poor fellow has been under the spell of mermaids for many years now. We must try and help him.





Find out what torments the Old Sailor.  







Sailor's Mind
Sailor's Mind 

Click the Sailor to enter this land

Emotional Barrier

There are two Emotional Barriers to find and destroy









Find out what torments the Old Sailor. 

To finish talking to the Sailor we need to complete the Mermaid's Domain 




Take your reward:




Mermaid's Domain
Mermaids' Domain

Reach this Island with the Blathyscaphe

It will be time soon to change in diving suits and take the Bathyscaphe to the Mermaids' Domains


Not a single living soul has set foot here, so there's not a lot to say about the place.


The most hardworking Mermaid in the whole Kingdom, talk to Athena to see what she wants...





Athena is really tired of singing her song and wants a vacation. Ask McManus to make a stone copy of her, so that her sisters don't catch on when she leaves.

Place the statue out in Mermaids' Domains and paint it, so that Athena can finally take a break from her sisters.

Place the statue out in Mermaids' Domains and paint it, so that Athena can finally take a break from her sisters.








Take the reward from Athena 1:

Upgrade again to unlock Cleo

Wow! This statue is so great, no one will notice my absence! I can finally go on vacation without any worries.  I think I want to visit a tropical island, maybe with some mountains or better, with a volcano!  Do you happen to know such a place?


Refuses to cooperate. Set a Sound Barrier around her to focus the sound on the Entrance to Persephone's Domain.





Complete the Sound Barrier






Hellooo!  My sacred duty is to sing for all the sea creatures!  I help crabs relax!  Even the manatee sings along!  If you're not enjoying it, you can leaveeeee!

  • Turn your stones by clicking them as shown in the first picture

  • Use the move tool to put them in positions as in the second picture

  • As you place your pieces they glow green if they are correct. Once they are placed click the mermaid to check the pieces, if one glows red then the piece next to it in a clockwise direction is the wrong piece.

  • Click Cleo to check the arrangement

  • More diagrams below


Speak with the Mermaid to find out what she wants in exchange for silence.


Good day, I see you've already managed to meet my sisters! Don't pay attention to Cleo's sullenness, she loves to sing very much. Many sailors go here the second they hear her voice, that's how their ships find home on this ocean bottom.  Just imagine how many different outfits and jewels you can find! Oh... I wish someone would help me explore these fascinating ruins!








So I didn't just imagine it?  Can you really find a lot of luxurious jewellery in the holds of the sunken ships?  Then what are we waiting for? 


Take the Reward then talk to the Old Sailor on Sailor's Mind Island again. 

Athena - decoration

Once everything is done you can take Athena home










Every 3 days collect possible rewards from Athena


Full immersion!

George, can you hear that sound? This singing is coming from the water! Hurry and gather supplies, it's time to continue searching for father!





Make a Portable Artifact on Father's Workbench in Secret Hideout.

Install the Portable Artiface onto your vehicle

Set out to the Lost Ships Islands

Everything is ready! My uncle suggested I install the artifact onto the airship: it should help me on this difficult journey! Let's go!

Ocean Bottom

Hmm... It seems many ships have ended their routes here. I wonder why. Old McManus may know the answer.





Talk to McManus (upgrade McManus to level 2)

Cut out a few Rusty Anchors

Make a few grappling sets (Can be made at McManus')

While exploring the debris on the seabed, I realized the shipwrecks formed of a triangle. I suspect that there has to be an explanation for that... I wonder what it could be.

Stretching paddles

It seems to me that I would've made a great detective, really! I can safely say that the mysterious ship holds the secret of my father's disappearance!





Install the bridge on Atlantic Schooner (Upgrade the Atlantic Bridge to level 2)

Reach the Sea Master and go down into its hold

Do you ever find yourself in a situation when you realize something you were sure about is, in fact, wrong? Never happened to me! I still think that the ship holds the key to the mystery of my missing father!

Secret of Paracelsus

So, like any grand detective, I should have quite a few impressive skills. Alchemy, for example! If you can call making jam alchemy...





Find and move the Alembic

Assemble the Alchemy Device using the Alembic, Retort, Shredder, and Bellows

Take the reward from the Alchemy Device

A pinch of fire salt, some mandrake root, a teaspoon of magical elixir, some cherry brandy and voila! We have a great summer cocktail! Oh yeah, now back to alchemy!

Hypnosis session

Have you ever been to a hypnosis session? Me neither, but I'm about to change that today! You're going to fall asleep when I count to ten... Oh! That's not for you, he-he-he!





Enter the Sailor's Mind (set out to the Sailor's Mind land)

Lift the Emotional Barrier (upgrade the Emotional Barrier to level 2)

Find where the Old Sailor is hiding his mind and talk to the old man (Upgrade the Old Sailor to level 2)

I'm about to enter the sailor's mind! Incredible! This means that I can find out information that no one else knows! Can you imagine that?

Second wind

I can't believe it! Underwater singing?! I've seen many weird magical things during my travels, but girls with fish tails singing underwater... Nothing in the Kingdom could have prepared me for this!





Set out to Mermaid's Domain

Speak with Athena (upgrade Athena to level 2)

Place and paint Athena's Stone Statue in Mermaids' Domains (upgrade to level 2)

Just listen, I've come up with a grand joke! Mermaids are followed... by their tales! Hilarious! No?! Oh well...


I've made a deduction that if mermaids can sing they also can talk! Yup! This means that I can find out where my father's traces lead to!





Speak with Cleo (upgrade Cleo to level 2)

Make some Sound Barriers at McManus

Set Sound Barriers around Cleo to muffle her song and open the passage to Persephone

I've learned a really important lesson: sometimes mermaids behave just like people. Do you know what that means? Sometimes people behave just like mermaids!

Veil of secrecy

My intuition tells me that I'm about to solve the mystery of my father's disappearance! It also tells me that George keeps eating pie leftovers! I'll solve that case as soon as I return from this adventure!





Speak with Persephone (upgrade Persephone to level 2)

Return the Old Sailor's mind to him and find out the location of Atlantis and father

Take the reward to your Estate

Atlantis! That's where my father set out to! Thanks to the old sailor I can finally travel there and get closer to solving the mystery of my father's disappearance...

Lost Ships Island

Lost Ships Island

Sea Master's Hold

LSI 1.jpg

Sailor's Mind

LSI mermaids.jpg

Mermaid's' Domain

Cleo Sound Barrier
  • Place the first 4 barriers as shown

  • These can be checked easily by taking note of the Blue Symbols on them

  • Check them in relation to Cleo and with each other

  • The next 4 pieces will then be easier to place correctly

System Two


Set the stone in order as follows:


After placing each stone click the Mermaid to check, the STONE you placed should be highlighted in RED

If Cleo is RED then the stone is wrong, try again


Place the next stone, check Cleo, if the stone you placed is not RED then move it and try again. 


Continue placing and checking as you go. 

Place 1st Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If Cleo is red, the stone is wrong, try again.

Place 2nd Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If the 1st stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

Place 3rd Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If the 2nd stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

Place 4th Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If the 3rd stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

Place 6th Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If the 5th stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

Place 5th Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If the 4th stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

Place 7th Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct.  If the 6th stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

Place 8th Stone

Click Cleo to check, if the stone is red it is correct and you have completed the Barrier.  If the 7th stone is red, the new stone is wrong, try again.

All stones should now be correct, click Cleo to check and your barrier will transform to look like this.  

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