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Use the Watchtower to drastically decrease/increase the number of bandits appearing on your land.


  • Buy and fully upgrade the Watchtower (it only works on the land it is on so you may want to build one on each land, you can not build this on the Zoo)


  • A fully upgraded Watchtower will drastically reduce/increase the number of bandits you get while the basic watchtower will reduce/increase the bandit numbers a little.


  • Set the Watchtower to defend, you have 10, 45 or 2 hour options. Save up energy, set the Watchtower then start chopping. Used this way the Watchtower is extremely useful.


  • If you are clearing items that regenerate for a timed quest, remember to stop chopping these once you have enough materials, then remove what you have left once the event has ended.


  • You can also set the Tower to Ambush, this will attract bandits if you are needing them for Dragon Tooth, Draconite or other items.

Building stages                                                          

25           25           15



25           10            7


15           10            7



 7             5            5



 5             5             3


To set a fully upgraded Watchtower you will need:

Defence Mode

10            1          =            10 minutes     



10            3          =            45 minutes



7            2            =             2 hours 

Ambush Mode

20           1            =            10 minutes 



 20           2           =            45 minutes 



 10           2           =             2 hours 

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